Deepest Depths

Deepest DepthsHello friends

I couldn’t post anything yesterday because I couldn’t connect to the internet, not sure why, just one of those things that happens now and then.  T was getting very anxious about not being able to get on line, but I just did some art instead 🙂

I hope things are good for you where-ever you are.  Here all is fine, my chronic hayfever is much better, I’m no longer sneezing all the time and my eyes have stopped streaming, my head does feel quite congested though and I can only breathe easily though my left nostril, but that’s OK at least I am still breathing 🙂

The Arts Festival is going well, on Tuesday I went to an Open Mic Poetry evening at the library which was fun.  I’ve never written any poetry so I was only a spectator, but a lot of the poetry was very good and it was an enjoyable evening.   Yesterday Lucia Para was giving demonstrations at the Depozitory on how she creates her lovely art and in the evening there was an Accoustic Originals event at St Thomas but I had to miss both of those – due to work, shopping and trying to sort out internet problems..

Tomorrow I am sitting at the Depozitory all day, minding the Never Ending Story exhibition,  hopefully I will get some visitors and in any case it will give the chance to do some collaging 🙂  I have taken the day off work so that I could sit at the exhibition all day.

Yesterday I had an amazing email and potentially something very exciting will come from it.  I don’t think I can talk about it just yet, but it feels good and it feels like the Universe is being extra kind to me at the moment.

The spread above is a page from a journal I started working in during the Mermaid Circus workshop back in April this year.   I didn’t really achieve as much as I’d hoped during the workshop but the tutorials by Jane Davenport and Teesha Moore were wonderful.  For me it was well worth the cost just to spend some online time with Teesha, she is such an inspiration for me.

That’s all for now folks have a great week

Big love

AJ 🙂




12 thoughts on “Deepest Depths

  1. Your art work with combination of inspiring words is amazing, I really would love to get some copies….I am teaching some young girls yoga and meditation and these pieces of art would beautifully compliment my work

  2. Hello Janette,
    I so much enjoyed looking at your beautiful art journals at the Depozitory on Friday. Your work is truly inspirational, both in design and theme. I love your use of colour! It was actually your work that made me want to come to the exhibition – I saw some photos of it on a friend’s Facebook page, although once there I enjoyed Lucia’s work too, not to mention that delightful building.
    Hope you’re enjoying this gorgeous sunny Sunday,

  3. Pingback: The love you make | AJ's Art Journaling

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